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Poster Information and Requirements

Posters are well suited for presentations of complex and technical methods and/or results. They typically reach a wider audience than short talks because they are on display for several days and allow the audience more time to digest complex information. This promotes robust discussion between presenters and their audience!

Posters must be educational in nature and not actively promote any particular product, service, brand, or company.

Presenter Expectations

Poster presenters are expected to:

  • Register for the Conference
  • Be an author of the poster
  • Print a copy of their poster and bring it to the Conference
  • Be an expert on the discipline and issues covered by the poster
  • Be prepared to provide expanded descriptions of the poster during the Poster Reception
  • By Wednesday, July 11, review your poster listing on the Poster Presentations webpage. This is exactly how your poster will be listed in the onsite program guide and mobile app. We do not print abstracts
  • By Friday, August 23, submit an electronic copy (PDF) of their poster before the poster has been printed, for approval
  • On Tuesday, September 17, put up their poster in the Exhibit Hall between 7:00 am - 9:30 am 
  • On Wednesday, September 18, stand by their poster during the Poster Reception from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Poster Construction Requirements

Posters must be educational in nature and not actively promote any particular product, service, brand, or company. Your poster should have a:
  • Title - recommended font size is 72 pt
  • List of authors and author affiliations – recommended font size is 36-42 pt
  • Abstract (when applicable) – recommended font size is 20-24 pt
  • Section or sub-title headings – recommended font size is 28-32 pt
  • Text, tables, and figures (when applicable) – recommended font size is 24-32 pt
  • Acknowledgments and references cited (when applicable) – recommended font size is 20-24 pt
  • Contact information below the poster for attendees interested in obtaining more information (optional) - can be an attachment
Poster Specs
Freestanding double-sided boards for the posters will be located in the back of the Exhibit Hall. Two poster presentations will occupy each side of the poster board (i.e., four posters per freestanding board). Pushpins will be provided to affix poster presentations to boards. The freestanding boards are 8 ft (2.4 m) long and 4 ft (1.2 m) high (landscape orientation); the bottom edge of the board is typically 30 in (0.76 m) above the floor. 
  • Max poster height: 40 in  (1.02 m)
  • Max poster width: 43 in (1.09 m)
Presenters are expected to print their own posters, after the PDF has been approved, and bring it to the Conference. For examples, download Poster Presentations from past Annual Conferences (Members Only). For Non-Members, here are two sample posters:

Poster Judging

Be sure to submit your electronic copy by Frday, August 23! This year the Research and Technology Committee will judge posters, within their respective tracks, before the Conference based on the following criteria:

  1. Clear focus or central research question: The poster explicitly states what the project accomplished or will accomplish. There is a clear central idea, hypothesis, or objective.
  2. Appropriate research methodology: The presenter/poster knowledgeably conveys how the project is to be executed or provides evidence appropriate to the discipline and explains how it was obtained.
  3. Clear presentation of results/product/ performance or expected outcome: Mastery of the subject is evident. The project is explained sufficiently clearly that it can be understood by a reasonably informed non-specialist.
  4. Poster design/ visual communication: Details about the project are presented in an organized, fresh, and thoughtful manner. The poster’s design is compelling and effectively highlights the key features of the project.
  5. Contribution to the field or discussion of potential impact: There is an explanation of the significance or use of the project, of why the project was or is worth doing, or of what new knowledge, understanding, or insight was or will be gained.
Each poster can earn up to three points within each judging criteria, for a maximum of fifteen points total. Winning posters will have ribbons/certificates affixed to them at the Conference and will be featured in a future edition of Connect.

Electronic copies submitted after the deadline will not be considered for judging.

Post-Conference Recognition
Following the Conference, Poster Presenters will be given the opportunity to post their presentation online for members to access. This will give presenters an opportunity to share their findings with a larger audience and will give conference attendees a chance to find out more information on presentations.

Contact AZA’s Events Coordinator, Bridgett Owen.